We are rolling into beautiful springtime, and hope is in the air. Looking ahead to better times, I’m reminded of our country as it emerged victorious from the ravages of World War II, stronger than ever. Winston Churchill understood our strength of will and spoke of it in 1945, “America at this moment, stands at the summit of the world.”
The Hamilton Grade 950Bmovement replaced the venerable Hamilton Grade 950 movement that had been in production for nearly forty years. The two movements are similar in appearance, but the 950B featured a superior balance design, hairspring, cap jewels, and mainspring barrel. This high-end movement also featured solid gold train wheels and rhodium plating on the main plate and bridges. The combination of quality materials and expert design made the 950B the most accurate Railroad Grade pocket watch of its time and perhaps remains so today.

The movement’s decoration is phenomenal – a perfectly preserved example of the craftsmanship perfected by Hamiltons’ master watchmakers. More than that, to see and hear it working is to appreciate the respect and pride its original owners felt – and present-day collectors feel – for Hamiltons’ world-beating timepieces.
Today the Hamilton 950B is a highly coveted classic. Its movement is world-famous for its incredible accuracy at +/- 30 seconds a week or better. Because of its reputation, quality production, and historical significance, the Hamilton Grade 950B movement stands as one of the most sought-after watches in existence.

If you’re looking for a Hamilton Grade 950B to add to your collection, be sure to visit the Pocket Watch Guy. Due to the high demand for our Hamilton watches, they move quickly. So if you’re a serious collector looking to add a Hamilton Grade 950B to your collection, be sure to check our selection often so you don’t miss your chance to get your hands on a famous piece of history.
As always, I stand ready to answer any and all questions about this or any other of The Pocket Watch Guys’ “best of the best” American timepieces. Please feel free to contact me through email at Jeff@thepocketwatchguy.com or phone (310.486.0573) or Instagram direct message at pocketwatchguy.com/instagram/. Meanwhile, thank you for your consideration.
Thank you for your time and stay safe.
Jeff Brook
The Pocket Watch Guy